This month I'm giving a SHOUT OUT to EVERY SINGLE PERSON who generously sowed into the manuscript of The Other Side Of Visible. Thanks to all of you, the book has now become a paperback and is available on my website ( In the not-too-distant-future, it'll also be available on Amazon, as a paperback and as an ebook.
And the printing of the book is because EACH ONE OF YOU gave in order to make it possible! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I am grateful, and when GOD sees His children blessing and helping His other children, HE is GRATEFUL, too. You have blessed my heart, and you have given joy to our heavenly Father.
Seventy-five people donated to the Indiegogo Crowdfunding campaign, raising about $7,000.00 for printing the book and shipping the pallet of books from the printer, for rewards and mailing out rewards, for giving to Heifer Project (a nonprofit that gives animals to Third World families so they can rise up out of poverty and into self sustaining lifestyles), and for other expenses associated with 'birthing' a creative project.
Some people who donated asked to remain anonymous, so their names won't be listed here. But whether anonymous or known, each person is greatly appreciated, and each gift will make a difference in the lives of readers.
Early readers of The Other Side Of Visible are giving wonderful feedback—of being SO encouraged, stimulated, blessed, of receiving new insights, of laughing, crying...and much more!
So here goes, a SHOUT OUT TO:
Craig Beck Jeff & Sylvia Beck William & Krisie Beck, Jr.
Kevin & Soleil Boll Bruce & Joan Boydell Lynn & Lynne Burkholder
Curtis & Sheila Burkholder Hope Carpenter Valerie Claxton
Rene A. Corrales Larry Cox, Jr. Darrell & Twila Eberly
Gene & Stephanie Flewelling John & Ann Gibbel Doug & Dina Hamilton
Ron & Rebecca Hazelton Duane & Becky Hespell Don & Jean Hoover
Lloyd & Elaine Hoover Carl & Becky Hudson Kevin & Lesley Hurst
Jonathan & Janelle Jacobs Brent & Bonita Keener Dorothy Keller
Jeffrey Keller Ron Kerwood Beverly King
Tom & Janice Kirk Barry & Julia Knabb Mark & Ferne Kraybill
Earl & Annie Landis Marsha Lauck Steve & Joan Lavery
Serge & Angie Lehman Elwood & Nancy Martin Alan Metz
Ruth Morris Frank & Becky Noviello Jeff & Sue Orth
Stuart & Donna Osbourne Stephen & Lisa Pidcock Paule Pobloske
John & Bonnie Reilly Jon & Kristen Rider Carol Sanchez
Pete & Kara Sensenig Dwayne & Susan Shank Dale & Verda Shirk
Alana Smith Jim & Char Snyder Jean Stephenson
Matt & Maggie Stoltzfus Ben & Mary Ann Stoltzfus Dan & Rachel Stoltzfus
Matthew & Jennifer Ullrey Chris & Holly Wert David & Priscilla Williams
Andrew & Sarah Zahn Albert & Janet Zehr Henry & Lydia Zoo
What's next, now that the book is printed? Well, I'll be getting the word out there about the book. Books can be incredibly engaging, but if no one makes them known, they won't get into the hands of readers who will benefit from those words. They won't be pulled into the story, or be able to come face-to-face with its truth and its mercy.
For those of you who have already read the book, in order to spread the word to others, would you take a few minutes and give a review on my Facebook page (Janet Keller Richards @othersideofvisible)? Readers want to know what other READERS think about books before they will invest time or money to purchase. Feel free to also jot your thoughts and impressions on your own FB wall, with a photo of the book. :o)
And a word about writers and the income from their books . . . Writing is a funny thing. Writers spend thousands of hours creating a book. If it's a self published book like The Other Side Of Visible, they do it with no compensation. Only AFTERWARDS, when the book is printed, is there the possibility of being reimbursed through book sales for those thousands of hours.
My hope for this book is that the hard work that went into it will become a source of provision financially for us. That will depend on a lot of factors, but that is my hope.
Paul wrote, the "worker is worth his wages." That is true for authors, too. We write for the love of writing and not to make money, BUT, with all the intense time and energy of writing, we do hope that our time is well spent, and that the income from our creative projects will free up our time to be able to write MORE books, study guides, etc.!
So, if you're willing to share your thoughts, thanks for visiting my author Facebook page (Janet Keller Richards), scrolling down until you see the word "Review," and clicking on the stars . . . Then, type away! In addition, feel free to share your thoughts about The Other Side Of Visible on your own FB page, along with a photo of the book.
And if you really want to share a second time, there is a Book Club on my website, where you can ask questions, leave comments, etc. ( :o)
God's blessings on the work of YOUR hands, and may He multiply your seed of provision!